The Virtuous Woman ~ Book Review

Shattering the Superwoman Myth

Being a Virtuous Woman wasn't on my list when I was a young bride, how about you?

The Virtuous Woman:
Shattering the Superwoman Myth
As a matter of fact, washing dishes with no dishwasher, doing laundry by hand (sheets are a no-no) and cooking 1,095 meals a year are just too much pressure.

Before I was married I would watch how my sister was in keeping her house. She seemed "obsessed" to me and wouldn't even leave the home unless her entire house was in order.
How can a person love mopping floors every day? It was unnatural to me.

When I got married I made sure my husband knew I was married to him and not the house. Now don't get me wrong. I keep a pretty good house, but it's not the main thing in my life.

So when did this need to be a Virtuous Woman creep into my thinking?

How would a woman like me with my mind set, fulfill Proverbs 31 in my life?

How do you feel when you think of the Proverbs 31 woman? Does it overwhelm you, make you feel guilty and like a failure? Christian women have gotten the wrong concept when it comes to being the Virtuous Woman God really wants.

Guilty or Not Guilty
Guilt became a feeling I couldn't overcome. I went looking for answers and read about everything I could on "guilt". What I came to realize is that most guilt is a misplaced feeling and wrong.
There are reasons we feel guilt and some of it is based on our own disobedience, some is from the devil or others. But most of it is self-inflicted because of misguidance, self-worth issues and a need to be justified by others.
God doesn't want us to live with any guilt, so trying to measure up to the Virtuous Woman was all me, not Him.
Why didn't I realize that God made me the way I am and being the kind of virtuous woman He wants is far from what the world wants.
Not Another Ordinary Book
I first came across The Virtuous Woman by Vicki Courtney, accidentally. While in a Bible book store I saw it in a sale aisle. As a woman, this got my attention, but the minister and counselor part bought the book ... so I thought. Reading through the Table of Contents I came to realize the commonality I have with other women.
Vicki Courtney shares her feelings and destroys the myth that God wants designer, cookie cutter, super women. He has set a virtuous woman inside us all; we only need to look at His wonderful creation.
Double Reference
The book is divided into twelve chapters. Her brief, but funny introduction seemed to be a picture of my own encounter with the Virtuous Woman in Proverbs 31.

As a student of scriptures, I know that this passage is a metaphor referring to the New Jerusalem, but it can also apply literally. It is known as a double reference or foreshadowing. Realizing that, the "make believe" lady didn't apply to me, or did it?

Virtue doesn’t emerge from a to-do list ... it begins in the heart.

 Vicki Courtney

Highlights from the book:
1.    "There is no such thing as the perfect wife" (Chapter 1) or the ideal woman. Measuring ourselves by the world's standards and not God's, gets you into a heap of trouble, guilt and self-doubt. Being a Virtuous Woman begins from changing our hearts (Hosea 10:12 see book p 22).
2.    Chapter 2: Discusses "Finding self-worth" based on who God says you are (Proverbs 31:10b). Deep inside every one is a need to feel loved, worthy and valued. God says we are worth more than precious rubies to Him, so why do we want to measure up to the world's standards if we are already precious gems?
3.    Chapter 3: Proverbs 31:13-18 talks about a woman who is very aware of her time. We often waste time trying to be more efficient. The Virtuous Woman is organized and efficient, but in the ways of God.

When she does things His way, her own house falls into line. His way brings relief and ease. Learning to say no and stop over scheduling takes the pressure off of being a world's woman. I have learned that if I give my time to God, He works in everything I need to do for that day.
4.    Chapter 4: Being a virtuous woman won't be easy so, "wimps need not apply." (Proverbs 31:16-17) Saying yes to God, when the world is shouting no, takes godly strength. Sometimes the only encouragement we get is from ourselves. King David often had to do this and so will we if we are to keep our sanity.
5.    Chapter 6: (Yes, I skipped Chapter 5) Is there a joy stealer in your house? (Proverbs 31:25b) What steals your joy? Learn to recognize the robbers in your life and take back the joy God gave you as a gift from His Spirit (the Bible in Galatians Chapter 5:22-23).
Other topics in the book include:
·        Gaining wisdom to apply knowledge.
·        Learning to be nice in a naughty world.
·        What exactly does it mean to be "good"?
·        How does respecting and honoring your spouse effect your being virtuous?
·        Allowing God to rule your emotions when the kids tug the heart strings.
·        Quality vs. quantity of a Virtuous Woman.
·        Still giving when the world keeps taking.
·        Leaving a legacy that matters. The crowning glory. (What will people most remember about you?) I had to ask myself this question: Can I be the Virtuous Woman my mom was?

My Book Review Rating:★★★★

About Vicki:
Image Courtesy Vicki Courtney
Vicki Courtney is the founder of Virtuous Reality Ministries an online magazine for women and girls. www.virtuousreality.comShe is a speaker and best-selling author.
Internationally known, Mrs. Courtney has made appearances on television shows, CNN and Fox News, with special radio broadcasts as well.  She lives in Austin, Texas with her husband and three children.

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Scripture reference if used taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Gateway Bible
Image credit: Google Images or Dreamstime Creative Common License if not specified. Image:  CBD or Amazon Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.

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