See it here. |
For a start, the cover must "pop" off the page and jump out at me. It
has to grab my attention visually and overtake anything around it. If you were
in a bookstore, Elvy's beautiful book for children called "Butterfly" would
do just that.
had come in contact with Elvy's work through another writer, and she asked if I would review her book.
I'm extremely selective about the books that I review, so as a favor I checked out some
details and fell in love with the entire landscape of this piece from cover to cover.
Simply put … in the case of
"Butterfly" the picture does speak a thousand words, it's that
beautiful. When my friend introduced me to the writings of Elvy, I was the one being blessed!
the reader even opens the book we become engaged with what's happening on the
cover. A
little boy is relaxing in a hammock with his sandal shoes on the ground in a
garden-like setting.
While enjoying his book on butterflies what does he
encounter? A butterfly flutters by and dances around his head,
bringing the words he is reading to life.
we open the over-sized book, the author reminds us of a wonderful quote from
renowned author, E.G. White.
is health and happiness for children in the study of nature;
and the impressions made will not fade out of
their minds, for they will be associated with objects that are continually before
their eyes."
first few pages are bursting in full color with nothing written on them only
stirring the imagination of the reader. The novelist begins to tell the story
as we imagine the transformation of the caterpillar to a glorious Blue Morpho
life of a butterfly unfolds on each page as we encounter various butterflies
and how they journey from child to child and yard to yard.
words are few but cause the reader to engage with the activities that take
place in each scene. Little eyes must study every detail painted across the pages
if they are to find visions of butterflies wherever their focus takes them.
high as fluffy butterfly clouds blow by. Look low for chalk drawings on the
path where we walk. As the children are playing, each doing their own thing,
they witness the butterflies coming to bid them welcome. Butterflies are
everywhere and with each child they meet, they are received with joy and
brilliant rainbow of colors is a feast for the eyes painting a portrait of
delight on every page. I love how the story flows as if we're following the
butterflies as they travel around town, dropping in on the children wherever
they can be found.
is an underlying message and tone that reflects not only physical nature, but
the nature of God. The butterflies live and thrive among the birds and bees,
flowers and trees. However the message that the butterflies demonstrate is that
God loves everyone. Oh, if we could see that through the eyes of a child like these little ones do in this story.
child will envision every word as a literal movement of the eleven butterflies
they see. Although the words are not all for young readers having not been
exposed to them (ages 3+), this book leans toward the creative and developmental side of
the learning experience. Practical exercises in colors, object identification,
matching, counting are part of this interactive learning book.
the final pages where the children gather with raised hands, they all wish
their playful time with the butterflies didn't have to end.
- The author suggests that we reveal each page to identify the specific eleven
butterflies throughout the book, highlighting the Blue Morpho on each page.
- I don't know if the author intended this, but I believe it was purposed in
her heart not to leave out any child. Another fun activity is for the young
reader to go back and identify each child from the group page and see if they
can remember what each child was doing when their winged friend entered their
pages" have found a delightful way to engage both the child and adult with
whimsical and beautiful illustrations. It
captures the beauty of God's creations in nature and the innocence in the heart
of a child.
would highly recommend this book to be added into the creative design of any
child's educational library whether at home or school.
My Book Review
Illustrated by Maksym Stasiuk
in paperback and eBook.
pages copyright 2015
Author Website: Two FREE coloring pages on her site.
Content and Image Copyright from Favored1. Do not copy.
you don’t know the Living God that I know, but would like to have
His favor in your life also. Click on “Tell Me” for
more information on becoming a child of the Savior.
reference if used taken from the New King James Bible Version provided by Gateway Bible.
Image credit: Elvy P. Rolle, author
Image Link: Amazon
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.
Image credit: Elvy P. Rolle, author
Image Link: Amazon
Disclaimer Notes: Results may vary due to lack of belief.
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